Aviation Management & Career Pilot Technology

Program Description

The Aviation Management and Career Pilot Technology curriculum prepares individuals for a variety of aviation and aviation-related careers including the commercial airlines, general aviation, the aerospace industries, military, state, and federal aviation organizations.

Course work includes fundamentals of flight, aerodynamics, aircraft performance, meteorology, navigation, federal regulations, aviation management, and instrument and commercial ground training. Course options include flight and simulator training and management training.

Graduates will hold a Commercial Pilot certificate with an Instrument Rating, Multi-engine Rating, and Certified Flight Instructor Rating, or specialize in aviation management. Graduates may find employment as commercial, corporate, and military pilots, fixed-base operators, airport managers, flight instructors, and flight dispatchers.

Admission Criteria

Admission to this program requires that students be 17 years of age with a private pilot’s license.

Course Fees and Requirements

Career Pilot students will be required to purchase and wear uniforms while attending class for both day and evening courses. Students will wear white shirts (captain shirt) and navy-blue pants. Career Pilot uniforms also include a black leather belt and black leather shoes. Students must purchase at least one (1) complete uniform. Students are encouraged to purchase more than one uniform. Uniforms vary in price but are approximately $225 (Career Pilot uniform). Additional uniforms may be purchased at a discounted cost.

Career Pilot students must obtain a Student Pilot Certificate/Medical Certificate. View a list of local aviation medical examiners (AMEs). The Student Pilot Certificate/Medical Certificate is not required prior to starting academic courses, but is required prior to starting flight training. The cost is approximately $150. All Career Pilot students must obtain a 1st Class Medical Certificate prior to starting flight lessons.

The fees associated with flight training are estimated to be $9,400 for the Instrument Rating (AER 161), $23,900 for the Commercial Pilot license (AER 171), $8,650 for multiengine (AER 285), and $7,050 for Certified Flight Instructor (AER 281). These fees are paid in addition to the college’s tuition.  Craven CC also has a flight simulator for student and public use. Students in the program can use the simulator for free unless they are substituting flight time, for which a $40 per hour fee will be applied. Non-Craven CC pilots will be charged $80 per hour.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the Career Pilot Option, the graduate should be able to:

  • Pilot an aircraft (for some positions, certain specific certifications are required e.g., C.F.I, M.E.I, and C.F.I.I.)
  • Communicate effectively
  • Employ electronic resources to research and analyze data
  • Operate within the ethical, legal, and regulatory standards of the industry
  • Use critical thinking skills to solve aviation problems
  • Relate effectively to aviation customers
  • Employ scientific and aerodynamic principles to safely and efficiently operate an aircraft

Upon successful completion of the Aviation Management Option, the graduate should be able to:

  • Orchestrate efficient flight and ground operations
  • Demonstrate an understanding of business and marketing skills required for success in the aviation industry
  • Communicate effectively
  • Employ electronic resources to research and analyze data
  • Operate within the legal, ethical, and regulatory standards of the aviation industry
  • Use critical thinking skills to solve aviation problems
  • Evaluate financial information to make business decisions
  • Demonstrate how to relate well with various aviation customers in the execution of business enterprise

Transfer Opportunities

While the AAS is a degree leading to possible job placement upon graduation, Craven Community College students may be eligible for transfer to a BS Degree in Aviation Management with Southern Illinois University.

Contact Information

Director of Aviation Management & Career Pilot Program

Dean of Havelock Campus

Admissions Office
252-638-7430 – New Bern

252-444-6012 – Havelock

Degrees and Certificates