Disability Services

The College is committed to working with students with different learning preferences and those with documented disabilities.

If a student believes that disability-related issues have affected or may affect academic progress, he/she may voluntarily supply documentation that reflects the current condition of the disability and its specific impact on educational experiences to the ADA Coordinator. If the student supplies such documentation, the College will keep it confidential and use it only as part of efforts to increase access by individuals with disabilities in accordance with ADA mandates. If a student chooses not to supply this information, he/she will not be eligible for accommodations.

Students must complete the Student Request for Accommodations Form and submit the required documentation to the Office of Disability Services located in Ward Hall, Room 108 to begin the ADA Accommodation Award process. Because every individual service, program, and activity is different, accommodation decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. It is the College’s policy to afford disabled persons every reasonable opportunity to receive the benefits and services provided by the College and to succeed. The College strives to keep the lines of communication open between students with disabilities who require reasonable accommodation and those instructors and other College personnel who are responsible for the services, programs, and activities. Students must request their accommodations each semester by phone, email, or by selecting semester request through the Accommodate system.

Electronic Student Request for Disability Accommodations

PDF Student Request for Accommodations Under the American with Disabilities Act